
What Army Regulation Covers Gambling


Army Regulation Covering Gambling

Toolkit: Structured Self-Development ---- Note: SSD-1 is no longer worth promotion points
NCO Journal
Since April 1, Soldiers reporting to the Warrior Leader Course were required to have completed Structured Self-
of Structured Self-Development at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Beginning Oct. 10, 2010, Soldiers have been automatically enrolled in SSD-1 after they complete Advanced Individual
haven’t completed it during that time.
Soldiers are introduced to squad drills in Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, but aren’t required to
what they need to know before arriving at WLC.
“We did a crosswalk (an analysis of other NCO Education System and distance learning courses) and saw where the
Soldiers arrive at WLC, it won’t be the first time they saw those particular classes.”
Last November, four hours of map reading were added to SSD-1 to give Soldiers experience in land navigation, Bailey
that particular lesson,” Bailey said. “They weren’t starting from scratch; it wasn’t a new task for them.”
Each level of Structured Self-Development requires about 80 hours of distance learning. The various levels are meant to
something that they need to re-familiarize themselves with, something they haven’t seen in years or something that they’
doing different and new. As the development team, we’re required to keep those SSD lessons up-to-date.”
Soldiers who have already graduated from WLC are not required to take SSD-1 but are encouraged to familiarize
the work, Bailey said.
“For me, to be a true coach, teacher or mentor, I would have to sit down with my Soldier and look at them go through
is the individual Soldier’s responsibility. But as coaches, teachers and mentors — because not every Soldier passes it
there to provide that feedback.”
SSD enrollment and access
Soldiers will be automatically enrolled in Structured Self-Development at various stages in their Army careers. In addition
status on the Army Learning Management System (details are below).
•Soldiers are automatically enrolled in SSD-1 after completing Advanced Individual Training or One-Station Unit Training.
Core when they complete WLC and are promoted to sergeant. However, because there is currently a backlog of around
must be completed before being promoted to sergeant first class.
•NCOs are automatically enrolled in SSD-3 after graduating from ALC. SSD-3 is now a prerequisite for attending the
Sergeants Major Course.
•NCOs are automatically enrolled in SSD-5 after graduating from the Sergeants Major Course. SSD-5 is currently being
will be required to complete SSD-5.
Once enrolled, Soldiers can access and complete the distance learning-delivered material via Army Knowledge Online:
1.Visit https://www.us.army.mil/.
2.In the menu bar, select “Self Service,” then “My Training”
3.Click the ALMS (Army Learning Management System) logo in the box in the upper left corner of the page.
4.Click on the course title to access the course.
Source: USASMA
What you’ll learn
The lessons covered in Structured Self-Development 1:
•Army writing style
•Combat operations report
•Composite risk management
•Detainee operations
•Mild traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress
•History of the NCO
•Personnel recovery
•Self-directed learning principles
•Counterinsurgency principles
•Cultural effects on military operations
•Customs, courtesies and traditions of the service
•How war and multiple deployments impact subordinates
•Military problem-solving process
•Personal habits to increase health and fitness
•Troop-leading procedures
•Supply activities in a unit
•Primary roles and functions of the military services
•Types of rehearsals
•Preparing a brief
•Conflict management
•Principles of effective management
•The NCO role in the Casualty Assistance Program
•The NCO roles in recruiting and retention
•Lean Six Sigma fundamentals
•Army ethics
•Task organization of squad for mission
•Communicate the history of the U.S. Army
•Identify financial readiness actions
•After-action review
•Conduct squad drill
•Host-nation, federal, state and local laws
•Environmental laws and regulations
•Time management
See also
MILPER Message 13-275 SSD
  • DoD Releases FY21-25 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Agenda. The FY21–25 DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Research Agenda defines key research priorities to synchronize and focus the Department’s research on topics and methods that have the potential to result in short- and long-term improvements in sexual assault prevention and response in the Armed Forces.
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  • Regulations are authorized by the DoDI 5154.31, Volume 4. The DoD policy is that the GTCC will be used by all DoD personnel (military or civilian) to pay for all costs related to official government travel. For exemptions to mandatory use. Official government.

    Posted 12 Mar 04:00h in Leadership4 Comments

    War is a time when leadership matters! It is a time when lives are at stake.

    And in your life and mine – I believe that leadership also absolutely matters. While people may not die because of our failure to lead well, many will undoubtedly suffer.

    So what can we learn from great leadership in the military? A lot…

    Here are The Nine Principles of War from the US Army Field Manual and a few of my thoughts on each one. As I read through these, most of them seemed simple, but most of them are not simple to consistently apply.

    So, what can we learn from leadership in the military?

    1. Objective – Direct all efforts to a clearly defined, decisive, and obtainable goal.

    • What is your objective?
    • Is it clear?

    2. Offensive – Seize the initiative in a decisive manner.

    • Some teams play to win, some play not to lose. Have the courage to pounce on what you are trying to accomplish. We need to simply “bring home the bacon”!
    • If you wait for the perfect moment to act, you never will.

    3. Mass – Concentrate your combat power at a time when it matters most.

    • Use and concentrate your greatest strengths. Do you know what they are?
    • Use them at the right time to achieve your objective.

    4.The Economy of Force – Allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts.

    • You cannot be everything to all people.
    • Know what is secondary and give it your minimum effort.

    5. Maneuver – Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.

    • Be flexible, adaptable, and ready to change with the demands on the ground.
    • Draw great plans, but be ready to change them during battle.

    6. Unity of command – All forces shall be under one responsible commander with authority to direct all forces in pursuit of a unified purpose.

    • Take the responsibility as a leader.
    • Delegate authority and responsibility, but be accountable to the final result yourself.

    7. Security – Knowledge and understanding of enemy strategy, tactics, doctrine, and staff planning improve the detailed planning of adequate security measures.

    • Understand clearly what you are up against and what the risks are to your team or organization.

    8. Surprise – Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.

    • Choose the right time to attack your objective.

    9. Simplicity – Simple plans, and clear concise orders minimize misunderstanding and confusion.

    What Army Regulation Covers Gambling
    • Simplicity is imperative for continued success in your business and life.

    Whatever you are up against as a leader, I wish you success! People are depending on youkeep on learning and improving.

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    And keep on fighting! I salute you for your sacrifice, integrity, and honor as you lead your people forward!

    Your friend,

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    PS – If you believe this blog may benefit someone you know, please consider sharing!